Yes, I am under warrantee for this. lol Depression runs deep in my family and even Bi-polar disease touches 3 generations in a row. I sometimes wonder if it goes farther back than that too, but we were not aware of it then. I think back then, it was just called melancholy. Thank the Lord for medications these days that address these and other depressive disorders. (Getting us to take them on a regular basis is another thing).
So, this brings me back to the reason why I decided to post this today. Today, I decided to feel good. I must admit it does help. I have gotten more accomplished today than I usually do in regards to house and home work. I think I am pretty much worn out right now though, but I will spruce up before John gets home. I think I have earned a few minuets to sit and chat with you. I made a little "card" the other day with my feelings at the moment and it seems to have touched quite a few of my friends and family. I have decided to share it with you. Do with it what you feel fit. I hope it gives you some insight or validation to how depression feels. xoxox Beth Right click & save. <3

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