
Sunday, March 22, 2015


I had a catastrophe happen a month or so ago that was totally avoidable.  You know how you are told not to turn off your computer while windows is loading?  I have done it gobs of times but, this time it FRIED my hard drive.  My hard drive no longer recognizes Windows products and has been deemed by Dell as a Dead hard drive.  What stinks with that is that No one was able to access my files and I lost EVERYTHING in my hard drive that I had not BACKUP-ED. What stinks further is that my Dell guarantee expired at the end of September and repair is costly.  The only system that will run on my 1TB hard drive is Linux. (Which means no Photoshop)

Of course I had kits that I had designed that I had never posted or uploaded to Dropbox.  I had daily freebies from Kate's Cuttables, to the tune of probably 200+ of them. ( This is one site that I nearly never miss the DD from as I have 2 cutting machines for hard copy scrap booking ). Check her out, It's awesome! Whole files of designer tools, blog-train kits, pictures of family etc.

All of the design ideas for our new vacation home were tucked into a file named lol  August this and that.  Colors, flooring, paint, counter tops, curtains, not to mention all of the cutsie tootsie crafty ideas and Rooster pictures.  Ahhhh!

I guess I am just trying to tell you... Please back up your files. I never realized that "The Cloud" would be so helpful but the files that I were able to get, were on the Cloud hear and there.  You would be DEVASTATED to loose your files.  Trust me, I know the feeling.

I will try to get back into the swing of things.  I am learning GIMP but am finding that because I am a Photoshop wiz
Gimp is nearly impossible for me to learn how to create on.  Probably a mental block. lol

I LOVE YOU and have not forgotten you.  Thank you for your understanding hearts.  Beth


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