
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Facebook Cancer Awareness Blog-train

I am so excited to once again, direct you to our store Dezines2Amaze to brows around, shop a little, and pick up for Nothing at All, Lori Cobb's and Beth Bayer's submissions to the Facebook Cancer Awareness Blog-Train.
I have been blessed that my family hasn't been touched as much as many other's with the loss of a loved-one due to the terrible disease, Cancer, but my grandfather and my husband's father both died of Lung Cancer, and that is enough for us!
My kit is called "Honey Bear". Enjoy it, use it, love it. xoxox Beth

You can find it HERE
The blog-train goes live on the 20th and I will be out of town, so have patience to nab it then and I will make sure it is uploaded and ready to go before I leave tomorrow.  xoxox Beth


  1. Nice cause!!! You doing well. Person also know the Lung Cancer Symptoms if he had a cancer or not.

  2. Thank you so much for your contribution to this wonderful train ♥!

  3. I was hoping to get your blog train contribution but when I put it in my cart by following the link, even though it says it's free, it keeps trying to charge me $2.99. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I definitely want this train (I recently lost my mom to cancer and want to document her battle)

  4. Your cancer contribution keeps coming up with a charge instead of free.

  5. Thank you for being a part of this blog train. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. :)



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